Davina Bird & David Anderson

In January we received funding to produce resuable teaching resources to support subject revision. Throughout the term we’ve worked with academics across Business School subjects to design packs of 50 cards for use in the classroom.
The aim of this project was to develop a form of revision which was engaging and intellectually stimulating which could be easily adapted for any subject. We were inspired by euro games where playing the game is just as much fun as winning & wanted to build this into our approach.
We have produced 9 subject packs for use on modules next academic year:
- Economics
- Acocuntancy
- Competition and Regulation
- Research Methods
- Innovation
- Philosophy of Management
- Employability
- Human Resource Management
- Principles of Responsible Management (PRME)

The packs can be used independently, as flash cards, a concept sort, memory game, mix and match concept with definition, or used along side an existing game such as Just One. Student can also print & play packs so they can revise independently away from the classroom.

If you’re interested in using these packs or would like to design one of your own we’re happy to support you, contact us at dbird@lincoln.ac.uk or danderson@lincoln.ac.uk.