DICE Cafe: Supporting Digital and Interactive Classroom Experiences
The DICE Cafe is an innovation hub for academics to work with students to identify, create and trial Digital and Interactive Classroom Experiences.
The aim of this initiative is to share practical teaching and learning practices amongst colleagues, and provide support where necessary. Typically sessions focus on how to use existing resources available in the Business School, such as virtual reality, board games, business simulations and lego. As well as supporting academics to put forward bids to pilot new projects, such as Kahoot!, customising games and business simulation competitions.

In the first two months of it’s existence the DICE Cafe has met weekly with new projects emerging at each event. It has attracted three UG dissertation students who are framing their research around the use of board games and VR in learning. Activities (such as lego and Kahoot) from the DICE Cafe have been brought into classrooms and used in school wide personal tutoring events.
At the last lecture I ran students used Kahoot to help me adapt a board game which they will use to revise the module in 4 weeks time, this has also inadvertently provided the basis for a bid to PRME for developing an innovative teaching and learning pedagogy.
People have now started to approach me for support to use the new teaching resources and I’m working with a several teams to help provide this support. If you’re interested in using this kind of approach in your teaching contact David Anderson at danderson@lincoln.ac.uk.
The purpose of this blog is to capture activity associated with the DICE Cafe and to support others on their journey to use more digital and interactive classroom experiences.