Dissertation Project: Body Swaps

David Anderson & Tom Baldry

In February we supported Tom Baldry to collaborate with BodySwaps, a VR company specialising in soft skill training, as part of his undergraduate dissertation exploring the use of Virtual Reality experiences to develop management and leadership skills.

For his data collection Tom ran a BodySwaps session for our second year Business and Management students studying the Innovation, Creativity and Change module. Students completed the 20-minute soft skills BodySwaps module ‘Mananging Conflict’ & had the opportunity to try out the experience in virtual reality.

This was a great experience for all involved. The session helped to add an Industry 4.0 element to the module, offered students training in digital soft skills training, enabled Tom to collect data about student experiences of VR software, and provided BodySwaps with user feedback.

Tom’s involvement in the module also showed the second year students what can be done through a dissertation project and hopefully will have inspired next years students to develop similar projects.

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